Manny, Peeyush and Vineet fight heart disease by evaluating our body’s magnetic signal


An idea in a notebook…

The story begins at a bonfire party in Mason Ohio during the summer of 2013.  Peeyush was about to enter his freshman year at Ohio State.  Throughout the summer he had journaled ideas in a notebook titled “The Next Generation of Medical Imaging”.  

At the party, Peeyush passionately shared his idea that you could measure a signal from the heart, map that back to the cells giving rise to the signal and use this information to predict heart attacks. 

Shortly after, Genetesis was formed as a dorm room startup at Ohio State. They had their ‘aha’ moment there when they read about magnetic current.  They imagined they could enable that science to improve the lives of millions of patients.


…becomes a life saving tool

The team won a business plan competition and was awarded $250K with the condition they move to Buffalo, NY.  They spent a year in Buffalo, with eight team and family members living in a two-bedroom apartment there, to build a software prototype. 

With no money left, they faced a bigger problem.  Building hardware to measure the heart’s signal, which is a million times weaker than the earths, would be extremely difficult. 

Peeyush and the Genetesis team refused to quit.  They knew magnetics was the only path that would improve lives.  They went on to build, and prove, the leading bio-magnetic solution for heart disease.

“Rather than take a path traveled before, we chose to pioneer use of magnetics to predict and help prevent heart disease. Because of that, we have a shot at making the world a healthier place to live.”


Peeyush Srivastava   
Mason, Ohio

Peeyush explains how Genetesis uses magnetics to fight heart disease